Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lovely Little Blue

I took some better pictures of my most recently finished quilts today and I think they look lovely!  All of them can be found on my Pintrest page and Cozy Crafts.

Now for a little Garden Update...

A few things have started to bloom.  I'm super excited to see this little Amsonia blooming.  I purchased it last year after the the blooms were done because my Aunt said they will have nice golden foliage in the Fall.


Here you can see the garden filling in.  Our climbing pink rose is starting to send up shoots while the Sedum fills in more and our Irises finish for the Spring.  Sadly, we've had a lot of rain the last few days, so the Iris blooms only looked their best for a short time before they started to look like crap.

This is one of our smaller Dahlias that we wintered and started growing in the basement early in Spring.  What a happy pink flower!

Our variegated Canna lily's.  They're hoping for warmer weather!

The end of the Asparagus.  We've got some super tall shoots that we're letting go so they can gather some energy for next Spring!

 Finally, just a cute picture of a struggling little Brunera that we've planted in an out of the way section of our yard.  Looks nice with the wheel barrow there.  Below that is a miniature hardy Geranium that's native to Wisconsin.  I wish it would spread more, but the little plant just comes back perfectly every year.

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