Sunday, August 17, 2014

Low Volume & High Volume

So it's been a while since I've posted on here, not many excuses for it.  There've been a few life changes in the last 5 months, but I'll get into that in later posts.  You've noticed the title for this post is Low Volume & High Volume, so I'm sure you're wondering what that's all about?  Last February at quilt retreat I finished a quilt top in Low Volume fabrics.  I put it off to the side for months to work on other projects and then finally decided how I wanted to finish the quilt.  For those of you who don't know, Low Volume quilts are prints that, basically, don't stand out.  Typically a white background with a lightly colored design.  These are the fabrics you might use as a background for blocks.  We'll here's my first one.  I was inspired by a super cute Art Gallery Fabric from the Indian Summer line, white background with a light grey print of animals on it (it's got super cute owls!! : )  Anyway, because the

front is so very neutral, I wanted the back to really stand out.  I love that part about quilts.  If you don't love one side of the quilt, there is always another side you can look at.  Well I choose a bright Kaffe Fassett print with a jewel-tone purple as the binding.  I know some of you might be cringing looking at it, but hey, it's my quilt and I love it to pieces!  Hope your Summer's been amazing!  Mine....we'll let's just say I could use this quilt right about now and be pretty comfortable.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pure Elements!!!

So, I've been eyeing up the collection of Pure Elements by Art Gallery that we carry in our local quilt shop for a while.  I finally found something that drove me to purchase!  I bought a new book called Playful Petals by Corey Yoder, which is all about orange peal quilts and learning to applique with fusible web.  I've been doing more work with applique and fusible web so I thought 'Why haven't I done one yet?'  Answer--Inspiration.  I needed it, and this little book is perfect!  Bright and cheerful patterns used in all of her examples, and the last quilt was the straw that broke the camels back.  Entirely of solids, but such a nice color pallet it sold me.  Here's my quick pic of the pattern.

It's my goal for 2014, to have this quilt done.  A little here, a little there and hopefully I'll get there.  After the post last week at Freshly Pieced about fabric on sale, I did buy some Voile for a Tova top, which is also in the works.  Well, of course once you start buying it get's easier to look for more.  I found a seller on Etsy, Tactile Fabrics, that had some Pure Elements for super cheap.  So of course I bought them.  They arrived today!  One step closer to having no excuse for not starting on it!  Happy WIP Wednesday!

Linking up with Freshly Pieced

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Holy Crap it's March!

So this is my first post for 2014 and it's already mid-March!  Yikes!  Only excuse is that I've been busy and it's been too dang cold to care about much but keeping warm.  Brief share today is a lovely quilt I was asked to make--a New York Ranger's Quilt.

The name and the shield are all appliqued on Kona solids, with the back has a cute animal print.  Now that I've finished this project I'll be working on some sampler blocks and hopefully finishing a quilt I started last April!  

Linking up with Freshly Pieced today!