It's been a while since I've updated this, but things are starting to get interesting in the garden! A few warm days and a few weeks of rain shown me what will be back this year and what I may have to replace. What I've lost- possibly two of the five Astilbe's that were planted last year, my creeping phlox which never did well in its spot and...a good portion of the Bibb lettuce that I seeded didn't survive the gradual transfer outside. Not to worry thou, groups of three Astilbe's will look just fine, there is no room for my phlox anymore and I have seeded more lettuce directly out in the garden. Along with more Romaine, Baby Spinach--which I am having much better luck with this year, and Sugar Daddy Peas! I also have a container of Basil for Pesto growing in the house yet that needs to be divided, but I'll get to that later.
Compas Plant, a new perennial last year |
Large Allium Bulb |
Bulbs hiding under the pines |
Lungwart, pink/purple flowers. 1st to bloom in Spring! |
Pretty Yellow! |
The portion of this entry that relates to 'the conclusion of Mother's Day' is my gift to Mom. I was unable to finish it on time without ignoring her for 36 hours straight and thought it would be better to spend the day with her. ; ) I just finished the quilt tonight and here's a picture of my Mom enjoying it!
Back-Notice the Pocket! |
Mom and quilt! |